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Showing posts from September, 2016

A glimpse of hope

Six weeks ago my husband and I were given news that would make any loving parent crumple up into a ball of despair.  Your child is dying.  On August 2 a trusted surgeon who has seen us through our seven-year battle with our son's cancer reluctantly gave us the news. His tumour had doubled in size within two months. The cancer was angry. The last round of radiation only fuelled its furry as it aggressively invaded Xavier's brain.  Our only option was surgery to temporarily relieve his symptoms as he would suffer a terrible death from brainstem deterioration.  Imagine having to digest this news as you sleep on a chair beside your ill child in hospital.  We spent the weekend in mourning.  By Monday his team of doctors, including his radiation oncologist, surprised us with another possibly theory.  The tumour may not be cancer at all. It may be a mass of decaying brain tissue severely damaged by radiosurgery.  Relucta...