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Showing posts from February, 2016

Stop and smell the roses

Slow down. Stop and smell the roses, feel the rain, taste the air (although it may be harmful) and see the blueness of the sky. More than ever now, we need to pay attention to these simple things in what has become an overwhelmingly complicated world. We believe we are making it better and in many ways we are; the medical breakthroughs, the conservationism and social justice.   But in many ways we are also planning our demise. We have created an epidemic of depression; a mental health crisis. And while our government has recognized the problem, the solution is not removing stigma or throwing money at the issue. These are Band-Aids. Blanket support systems are inadequate and insincere. We need to address the root cause and accept we are our worst enemy.   Every day the pressures are mounting, expectations are rising and the pot is boiling. The root cause is the unrealistic expectations we have sewn and society has cultivated. We are perfectly imperfect....