Find your daily dose of positivity Ever have days when you just can't watch or read any more news; when you have to turn the channel from that reality crime show or stop scrolling through your Twitter feed. You know those days when your own life is so overwhelming that consuming any more negativity in the world makes you sick to your stomach. For anyone who has had days like this, I want to help by giving you a place to come for a "good" read. For the next month, any blog entry, Facebook post or tweet will be positive. Consider it my personal "Chicken Soup" style blog. My pledge: No matter what happens in my life in the next 30 days, I will turn it into a positive. I will only share positive news stories. Sometimes I think it's OK to shut out the horrible things going on around us - for the sake of our mental health. We shouldn't be oblivious, but we also shouldn't endure the world's pain on a regular basis. As I was researchin...
A journal of my life and the stories of those around me. A novel in the making.